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Margo my cuddle buddy
February 29, 2012
filed in Personal
Now that I'm over my morning sickness HUMP, I feel that I'm finally ready to conquer the world. :) By world, I mean blogging and working. I wish I had a more exciting adventure to blog about, but for now I'm ready to start taking photos and seeing the world through my lens again. It's been quite a tough journey through this adventure called pregnancy. I've ALWAYS wanted to be a mom and watching this little miracle grow inside me just makes me see the world through a brighter, more colorful lens. For a while though, I wasn't sure if I'd ever see or feel the excitement these other pregnant women were feeling, but I'm finally there counting down the days until AUGUST when we get to meet our little beautiful miracle!
Besides my incredibly helpful husband, Margo has been my cuddle buddy. She hasn't left my side through anything and loves me even when I look like death. She brightens my day and I hope she brightens yours. Hope everyone is having a beautiful Wednesday! I'm off to photograph a beautiful couple ... Oh it feels good to be back to work! :)
February 29, 2012
filed in Personal
ow that I'm over my morning sickness HUMP, I feel that I'm finally ready to conquer the world. :) By world, I mean blogging and working. I wish I had a more exciting adventure to blog about, but for now I'm ready to start taking photos and seeing the world through my lens again. It's been quite a tough journey through this adventure called pregnancy. I've ALWAYS wanted to be a mom and watching this little miracle grow inside me just makes me see the world through a brighter, more colorful lens. For a while though, I wasn't sure if I'd ever see or feel the excitement these other pregnant women were feeling, but I'm finally there counting down the days until AUGUST when we get to meet our little beautiful miracle! Besides my incredibly helpful husband, Margo has been my cuddle buddy. She hasn't left my side through anything and loves me even when I look like death. She brightens my day and I hope she brightens yours. Hope everyone is having a beautiful Wednesday! I'm off to photograph a beautiful couple ... Oh it feels good to be back to work! :)