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Love Actually
July 20, 2009
filed in Personal
Some of you may get bored of this post and skim through it fast to look at the photos but I guess I have a little something teetering on my heart. After traveling last week from San Francisco to San Diego, I started to see a consistency of commonalities throughout my photos. First, I witnessed a proposal, an engagement session, a portrait session, and finally a wedding. In between my work stops, I also saw love in unexpected places. Two of just about everything. As we are meant to be, two by each others sides. Whether we are people, animals or even seahorses, it seems we all have something in common. A natural ability to create two. Although not every animal, insect or bird in the sky understands what LOVE is, they all seem to have a natural innate ability to understand what companionship is. I was enamored by the seahorse exhibit at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. I was intrigued to watch them magically swim around the tanks and wrap their tales around one another and float in twos. Did you know that the male Seahorse gives birth to the babies? Or that they mate for life? I learned that every morning, seahorses come together and dance. Changing colors, they twirl about each other and wrap their little tails around one another and depart from each other for the rest of the day. Wouldn't it be great if we were this happy every day? If we just took a little bit of time out of our days and enjoyed one another a little bit more? Or even just changed our "colors" to suit one another. Give a little bit more right? im guilty of that. I could do a better job giving more of myself to be a better servant. I guess we could all be better right? Or did you know that jelly fish travel in packs and they sting EVERYTHING that comes in contact with them? Wouldn't you be proud to say that you stung someone every day with something positive? A compliment, a hug or just a friendly conversation. Sometimes it just feels great to know someone was thinking about you. I think we are all guilty of being hung up on ourselves and how WE feel life should be. The honest truth? Its not about us. Its about love. Selfless love, sacrificing love and most of all honest love. Look for love in the small places or even in the things that seem insignificant. To some people, love is a feeling that enhances a like we have for something. For others, its a feeling that derives from our soul. A feeling we just can't help but to pour unto others. I hope today, you find this encouraging to love someone else. Truly love with no strings attached.
Im not sure how Jelly fish don't get tangled up with each other but they are magnificent and a true beautiful creation. A creation I hope to only see through glass :)
We set up our camera on my car to document our drive home. No judgement... it was fun :)
And another twosome who carelessly played in the water. Maybe fighting? Maybe flirting? I think mating season is now.... whoops!
You've gotta love each other to lay this close to one another in grainy sand. Blubber on blubber!
It may sound silly... but Margo my pug really does bring a little bit of love to my life.
And of course. Kissing on a grassy hill with gorgeous homes in the background give us a good excuse to take a kissing photo and remember during our busy lives... that we are truly in love.

July 20, 2009
filed in Personal
ome of you may get bored of this post and skim through it fast to look at the photos but I guess I have a little something teetering on my heart. After traveling last week from San Francisco to San Diego, I started to see a consistency of commonalities throughout my photos. First, I witnessed a proposal, an engagement session, a portrait session, and finally a wedding. In between my work stops, I also saw love in unexpected places. Two of just about everything. As we are meant to be, two by each others sides. Whether we are people, animals or even seahorses, it seems we all have something in common. A natural ability to create two. Although not every animal, insect or bird in the sky understands what LOVE is, they all seem to have a natural innate ability to understand what companionship is. I was enamored by the seahorse exhibit at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. I was intrigued to watch them magically swim around the tanks and wrap their tales around one another and float in twos. Did you know that the male Seahorse gives birth to the babies? Or that they mate for life? I learned that every morning, seahorses come together and dance. Changing colors, they twirl about each other and wrap their little tails around one another and depart from each other for the rest of the day. Wouldn't it be great if we were this happy every day? If we just took a little bit of time out of our days and enjoyed one another a little bit more? Or even just changed our "colors" to suit one another. Give a little bit more right? im guilty of that. I could do a better job giving more of myself to be a better servant. I guess we could all be better right? Or did you know that jelly fish travel in packs and they sting EVERYTHING that comes in contact with them? Wouldn't you be proud to say that you stung someone every day with something positive? A compliment, a hug or just a friendly conversation. Sometimes it just feels great to know someone was thinking about you. I think we are all guilty of being hung up on ourselves and how WE feel life should be. The honest truth? Its not about us. Its about love. Selfless love, sacrificing love and most of all honest love. Look for love in the small places or even in the things that seem insignificant. To some people, love is a feeling that enhances a like we have for something. For others, its a feeling that derives from our soul. A feeling we just can't help but to pour unto others. I hope today, you find this encouraging to love someone else. Truly love with no strings attached.