Learning to Smile More + Sneak Peek
September 2, 2011
filed in Weddings
Today I sat in Starbucks in the small city of South Bend Indiana. I sat quietly behind my laptop uploading my most recent engagement session while listening to a job interview. It just so happens, five individuals were sitting side by side waiting to be interviewed by two managers at Starbucks. I knew I shouldn't be eavesdropping, but I just couldn't help it. I listened to students from Notre Dame who were looking for a part time job and a mom of three looking to make some extra cash because her husband lost his job. I listened as they nervously talked about their life and why they wanted to work for Starbucks.
I sat quietly and realized as I was listening to them talk about WHY they wanted to work behind the counter at Starbucks, that I sometimes need to be asked why I also love my job. It put many things in perspective as I watched these people nervously shake their legs with wonder if they would get the job. I prayed for each of them that many blessings would flow their way if Starbucks did not choose them.
As I sat there, the reality of our country's unchanged unemployment rate and the many people desperately searching for jobs really sunk in. I realized that we so often take for granted what we have in life and what our JOB gives back to us. Whether you are working at Starbucks, looking for a job, sitting in a cubical, shooting hoops or shooting a wedding, there are negative and positives to everything we do in life. Find something beautiful in what you do and make the best out of it. Even though your circumstances may seem hard, there is always something good on the other side. I challenge you to take a moment and write down your goals and aspirations in life. Write down what you love and what you hate about your job and focus on only the good and work on getting past the bad.
Take a moment and just smile. I searched smiling on google and an article came up with all the benefits of smiling.
#1. Smiling makes you attractive.
#2. Smiling changes your mood.
#3. Smiling is contagious.
#4. Smiling relieves stress.
#5.Smiling boots your immune system.
#6.Smiling lowers your blood pressure.
#7.Smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers and serotonin.
#8. Smiling lifts your face and makes you look younger.
#9. Smiling makes you seem successful.
#10.Smiling makes you stay positive.
If these aren't enough reasons to smile in your current situation, then I'm not sure what is. Find a way to smile :)
I just wanted to include two photos from our two past shoots. These are straight out of camera with no sharpening or editing. Just a reminder to photographers to really focus on shooting manually and working with the provided light. It makes a difference in your post processing and saves you time!
This is our Chicago engagement session. LOVED this session!!
This is an image from the first part of this weekend's wedding. I CAN'T WAIT to start this long blog post as there are SO many neat things to show!
September 2, 2011
filed in Weddings
oday I sat in Starbucks in the small city of South Bend Indiana. I sat quietly behind my laptop uploading my most recent engagement session while listening to a job interview. It just so happens, five individuals were sitting side by side waiting to be interviewed by two managers at Starbucks. I knew I shouldn't be eavesdropping, but I just couldn't help it. I listened to students from Notre Dame who were looking for a part time job and a mom of three looking to make some extra cash because her husband lost his job. I listened as they nervously talked about their life and why they wanted to work for Starbucks. I sat quietly and realized as I was listening to them talk about WHY they wanted to work behind the counter at Starbucks, that I sometimes need to be asked why I also love my job. It put many things in perspective as I watched these people nervously shake their legs with wonder if they would get the job. I prayed for each of them that many blessings would flow their way if Starbucks did not choose them.
As I sat there, the reality of our country's unchanged unemployment rate and the many people desperately searching for jobs really sunk in. I realized that we so often take for granted what we have in life and what our JOB gives back to us. Whether you are working at Starbucks, looking for a job, sitting in a cubical, shooting hoops or shooting a wedding, there are negative and positives to everything we do in life. Find something beautiful in what you do and make the best out of it. Even though your circumstances may seem hard, there is always something good on the other side. I challenge you to take a moment and write down your goals and aspirations in life. Write down what you love and what you hate about your job and focus on only the good and work on getting past the bad.
Take a moment and just smile. I searched smiling on google and an article came up with all the benefits of smiling.
#1. Smiling makes you attractive.
#2. Smiling changes your mood.
#3. Smiling is contagious.
#4. Smiling relieves stress.
#5.Smiling boots your immune system.
#6.Smiling lowers your blood pressure.
#7.Smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers and serotonin.
#8. Smiling lifts your face and makes you look younger.
#9. Smiling makes you seem successful.
#10.Smiling makes you stay positive.
If these aren't enough reasons to smile in your current situation, then I'm not sure what is. Find a way to smile :)
I just wanted to include two photos from our two past shoots. These are straight out of camera with no sharpening or editing. Just a reminder to photographers to really focus on shooting manually and working with the provided light. It makes a difference in your post processing and saves you time!
This is our Chicago engagement session. LOVED this session!!