Tara - CONGRATS!  Jan 31, 2010, 8:12AM
Jessica Stuber - Yumminess!  Jan 27, 2010, 1:53PM
Christine Pobke - Congratulations on your 100 days! Sigh, it feels like our 100 days was just a few days ago! :) And how YUMS does that look?? I'm getting hungry just thinking about it!!! :) xoxo  Jan 26, 2010, 5:28PM
Jasmine* - Congrats on 100 Days of Wedded Bliss! Love you both!!  Jan 26, 2010, 8:28AM
Manon - oh this looks yummie. I love Gulasch (as we call it in Germany) With a whole lot of noodles. its the best. I am not quite sure if you are into sweet recipes? but I love this one. Its sooooo easy. http://www.greedygourmet.com/2009/11/08/baked-rice-pudding/ and soooo yummie. Btw. have you seen the pioneer womans cookpage: http://thepioneerwoman.com/cooking/ love it. And everything is pictured (which is the best for me since I am a newlywed trying to get into cooking as you are)  Jan 26, 2010, 3:10AM
Anouschka - It looks delicious! P.s. I couldn't find you on Facebook :( no fanpage yet?  Jan 26, 2010, 12:39AM
Stephanie fay - I forgot to add to make egg noodles with this!!!! :)  Jan 25, 2010, 10:30PM
Amber - I can't think of any recipe off the top of my head, but I am always trying out new ones through allrecipes.com! I absolutely love that website!! And I'm glad you guys both love to cook... sometimes for "date nights" we like to pick out something fancy to make, and just have fun together in the kitchen... I recommend it!  Jan 25, 2010, 8:32PM
Bonnie - You guys are SO cute!!! I love your grandma too! My mom's Ruby Chicken is DELISH, and i can pass on the recipe too! If you ever need any baked good, you know where to go! :)  Jan 25, 2010, 8:10PM
Teri Klinger - i love checking in on your blog and so admire your work :) i'm definitely going to try your Grandma's yummy recipe. my husband and i are celebrating our 20th anniversary next month, and i STILL feel like i'm not quite on top of the "dinner-making" ball! haha! you're off to a great start!!! ♥ thanks for sharing your recipe!  Jan 25, 2010, 7:43PM
Melissa Diane - Stephanie, I totally relate to this post. When I first got married I was overwhelmed with cooking especially b/c my husband is super picky. I have TONS of recipes I'd love to share with you. I'll shoot you an email later with my favorites. Have fun cooking!  Jan 25, 2010, 7:36PM
Tira J - Wonderful post Stephanie!  Jan 25, 2010, 6:40PM
Katelyn James - Oh gosh PLEASE someone teach me how to cook before my wedding next October!! :)  Jan 25, 2010, 6:31PM
Katia Trudeau - Steph that looks delicious! I think i might just have to try your recipe : ). I'll post the results if i won't completely ruin it! P.s. isn't hard to make food in the pot look good? Mine always is a mess, but it tastes good, i guess that's all that matters : ).  Jan 25, 2010, 6:08PM