Anne - This is so true and very inspiring. I think we need to hear this more than we realise. I've been in that same trap (not as a photographer - but in my job). And I realise that it's flooded into my personal life as well...the comparing, the feeling guilty for not blogging or taking photos, the constant feeling of not being good enough. Thank you for sharing your experience. It encourages me to make some changes. Bless you!  Sep 14, 2010, 12:02PM
kellyhicks - Well said. I need to stop the comparing too!  Sep 9, 2010, 1:47AM
Joanne Distaso - Amen Sister!  Sep 8, 2010, 11:09PM
Adam - That is THE most ridiculously inspiring blog post I've ever read. All the thoughts in my head articulately and pointedly crafted into the perfect post. So right, so true. Genius.  Sep 8, 2010, 5:03PM
Kat Harris - Steph...thanks for your honesty...I am so encouraged by your post:)  Sep 8, 2010, 1:31PM
Dana E - This is so on point for me Stephanie! I totally feel what you're saying! Thanks for letting me know I'm not the ONLY one!!! ;-) xoxo  Aug 27, 2010, 8:57PM
ciara richardson - Thank you so much. I constantly feel the same way. You said it perfectly and though I hate this feeling it is nice to know that I'm not the only one. Even AMAZING photographers, such as yourself, can get down on themselves. Always wanting to be better. And I love the photo of your nephew. He reminds me of my little Oliver.  Aug 27, 2010, 7:24PM
Kelly - Very well said Stephanie! I have had the same feeling as you this summer as well and feel the exact same. I have not been reading other photographer's blogs much this year, but I am glad that I caught this post of yours to know that other photographer's, such as yourself, have felt this way! God bless!  Aug 26, 2010, 3:09PM
Promise tangeman - I LOVE YOU!! :)  Aug 25, 2010, 10:24PM
Teri - i don't "know" you, but i follow you :) Good for you for being who YOU were created to be! Enjoy breathing! :)  Aug 25, 2010, 9:27PM
Yuliya - I got inspired by reading this post! It reaffirmed that I am on the right path and calmed my fears for the coming up weddings. Thank you so much Stephanie for taking the time and writing this. I love your personal posts. God gives different measures of grace to each person, even in business.  Aug 25, 2010, 6:06PM
J Mark Koenig - Stephanie, Kudos to you and your style and making it about YOU! It is so easy to get burned out when you give it your all, day in and day out. Competition is fierce as it seems that this industry is emerging from the bad economy like a firestorm. Keep up the great work and a break well deserved! Thanks for the inspiration because it touches all of us...  Aug 25, 2010, 5:52AM
Shefali Lindsey - Stephanie, thank you so much for writing a post like this. I think I will come out and say I have been guilty of this a LOT and comparing myself to others may have been the reason why I thought of quitting numerous times. But, my husband has been encouraging me and reminding me that it is not a popularity or comparing kind of thing. Just be you and do your best! How often can you find a profession where you have so much room for growth and creativity?! xoxo.  Aug 23, 2010, 11:17PM
Jessica Morrisy - Thank you for posting so refreshing to hear. I love this business, but in so many ways the constant comparison can cause anxiety. Reading up on fellow bloggers is practically a full time job! Even Facebook can become overwhelming. You have to be true to yourself or you are selling yourself short. Your work speaks for itself...thanks again:)  Aug 23, 2010, 12:22PM
Evie Perez - Thanks Stephanie for just being open!!! I went through something like this a few months back and decided for a sesaon to stop looking at other photographer's blog. Not because I didn't like their work but because I felt like it was not helping me one bit, and all I did was compare myself to their work and tell myself I was not as good as they are. I was so happy that I did this because it took my focus off of being the best and onto me just being me. Don't get me wrong I am not perfect and I still have my days, but I choose my own battles!!!! Thanks again :)  Aug 21, 2010, 11:31AM
Heather Corporan - Stephanie......THANK YOU!! I've been wanting to dive feet first into the photography industry for the past two years. Many things have kept me from doing so, mainly financial. But now that I am able, I find myself making excuses. After reading your post I realize THIS is the reason why. I follow so many blogs and feel like "how can I be that?" THANK YOU a million times over for saying the words I needed to hear. I follow each blog because their is something UNIQUE about each of the photographers, including you. So keep being you-nique. It's made me realize I am unique, and my photography business will be too... and that's the way it SHOULD be! THX  Aug 20, 2010, 5:19PM
emily scott - thanks for this steph. i think we all resonate with this. it's so hard to be balancing all these things but most of all to resist the temptation to compare ourselves to others.  Aug 20, 2010, 1:05PM
tina - I totally feel you on this. I am by no means as successful as you are, in fact, I am sort of just starting out. But I get the tendency towards comparison...and the stress and pressure and defeatedness if causes. thanks for sharing! And, if it means anything at all...I think you are fabulous and talented!  Aug 20, 2010, 10:43AM
Bekah - Aw Stephanie, I love your work. I'm SO glad you wrote this. Be you. Easier said then done, but I love what you see, what you 'snap,' and I come back time and time again for you....  Aug 20, 2010, 6:39AM
Cat Mayer - Stephanie, I saw J*'s new site today in which gorgeous photos of you are featured on your wedding day. But the photos are not what are stunning. It's YOU. Who took the photo doesn't matter. It's you, and being true to your yourself is the one thing that will make the dreams you never knew you had come true. Believe it.  Aug 19, 2010, 11:04PM
Lene - just want to say: thanks!  Aug 18, 2010, 2:44PM
Liz Kausteklis - Thank you for this post. It totally hits home, and I try not to "compare" my work to other photographers...but it's hard sometimes. I just have to remember to keep doing what I love to do, and know that those who ask me to document their lives, actually do like my work...just the way it is! So thank you for this reminder :) And by the way, your nephew is SO cute :)  Aug 18, 2010, 11:49AM
Renee - Hi-Five! :-)  Aug 18, 2010, 10:47AM
De Housden - Thanks Stephanie, your "breather" was a breath of fresh air for me. I am starting out with photography and was worried about getting caught up in what i should be, instead of what i am already. this was a great read! thank you!  Aug 17, 2010, 7:31PM
Stephanie - Thank you for this!! I'm just starting out (my first few weddings are coming up this fall) and I can already understand exactly what you're saying in this post. I often see references/links/tweets/etc etc of what you could call the "popular" photographers popping up everywhere... It's easy to understand how one can be discouraged when comparing work to so & so popular photographer, and agree it can hurt your own creativity. I have scaled back on the amount of blogs I read/follow for that very reason - it's great to admire, but at the end of the day being true to yourself and your business is what's most important. Your honesty and your work speaks volumes of your talent - best wishes for continued success! I'll be checking in to admire every now and then! :)  Aug 17, 2010, 6:02PM
Christy - So humbling. I struggle with this not on a business scale, but my own person life. I love photography; but often compare wedding photos to my own; regretting the decision not to hire a professional photograher. But a lack of wedding budget will do that. I am grateful for the few shots my father in law got of us, and the emotions they captured. In any case, it is encouraging to read what you wrote and apply it to my personal life. I enjoy reading your blog and seeing your creative perspective in capturing all aspects of life.  Aug 17, 2010, 12:10PM
Katelyn James - i just love u for this! seriously, I needed to read this! Thanks for being honest Steph!  Aug 17, 2010, 10:18AM
Troy Grover - There is nobody else like Steph Fay ;) You rock!  Aug 16, 2010, 10:32PM
Lateisha - Wow. Reading this post from you [THE Stephanie Fay whose work makes me drool a little like your cute nephew in this picture, btw] is TOTALLY refreshing! And here I thought I was alone. Thank you for being so real. God bless you!  Aug 16, 2010, 6:48PM
Shaden - Hey girl! I was having reflections of the exact same nature just moments before I found you & this post... how crazy is that?? I had come to the self same conclusions... (course the soul convincing will take some time to marinate still. :) I feel nothing is left to fate. I'm a Phoenician photographer also, & I would love to connect with you, let's go do lunch!!  Aug 16, 2010, 3:29PM
o Elizabeth - I truly enjoy your blog and pics Stepahnie, you are awesome! We all go through a similar phase. I call it my funk mood. It's so hard to explain. Just know that alot people love the work you do I know I do and you are appreciated as well as respected.  Aug 16, 2010, 12:07PM
Kelly Lane Lusk - LOVE the drool! :) So cute!  Aug 16, 2010, 11:54AM
Kelly Lane Lusk - Stephanie, Thank you so much for making yourself vulnerable and writing this. You just expressed everything I have been feeling and struggling with and it is so refreshing to know that someone else struggles with the same thing. It is a great reminder to remember who I am as a photographer. I totally feel guilty when I don't blog, like I am doing something wrong or nor working hard enough, but at the end of the day all that matters is that my clients are happy. so again...THANK YOU THANK YOU!  Aug 16, 2010, 11:53AM
Nichole - Thanks for this post, Stephanie. I do see, as a newbee trying to start up, how easy it is to compare, compare, compare. Your work is just lovely, don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise!  Aug 16, 2010, 10:42AM
Ashlyn Carter - I love your candidness. You hit the nail on the head and what probably 99% of others in the industry feel. Thank you for being amazing, kind and such a great photographer. You are truly one of a kind. :)  Aug 16, 2010, 10:40AM
Lora Ayers - Stephanie, Thank you so much for letting us into how you are feeling and thinking. It means so much to know that you have some of the very same thoughts that I've had myself. This has been my very first wedding season, and I am just now taking a breather (due to my move to TX), and I'm realizing how much I desperately needed it. " I personally feel that if you care about YOU and your CLIENT, your business can only grow. " Thanks for reminding me to care about myself in all of this! Also, your nephew is adorable!! :)  Aug 16, 2010, 9:10AM
Kimmers - I'm so glad that you wrote this post. I have been feeling this way about life in general, and it's so nice to know that I'm not the only one. What a wonderful reminder to be who God wants you to be, not who the world wants you to be!!!  Aug 16, 2010, 8:26AM
Tina - Amen! I need to remind myself of this all the time - to STOP comparing myself to other people, and give the blog stalking a break. Love this post, it's definitely something we all have to remind ourselves of from time to time:) Love your work!  Aug 16, 2010, 8:10AM
Sharri - your work is incredible...and as a client i can say that I LOVE what you do! Keep doing things your way! :)  Aug 16, 2010, 1:14AM
Denise Saucedo - First of all I would like to say you are truly amazing!!! Your work is so inspiring, beautiful and absolutely stunning. Sometimes I sit and ask myself, wow, she lives in AZ & deals with all this harsh lighting and her photos come out so crisp, so clean so ahhhhmazing. Why don't mine??! LOL! It is tough always wanting to be better and striving to make your business grow. I too once compared my work to others. But you will never be that other person. Nor should you want to be. Be yourself and people will appreciate that because YOU could not be duplicated. Keep your head up girl! I would love to meet you in person one day! I also live in Arizona and would love to get out and have lunch or coffee with you. Listen to your heart and everything will fall into place. Hugs.  Aug 16, 2010, 12:49AM
Jenny Bishop - Great post, Stephanie!!! Couldn't agree more even though I still struggle with comparing myself to others!! I need to work on that and I think your post will help me do that!! Thanks for sharing what's in your heart! Your photos are absolutely gorgeous and I hope your breather refuels you and your love for photography!  Aug 16, 2010, 12:24AM
Taryn Bills - Thank you for your honesty. This business can chew you up and spit you out. These epiphany's are what will refuel you as well and take you to a whole new level. I have one every year since we started and each one made me better. I truly appreciate your post and being so candid.  Aug 16, 2010, 12:05AM
Michelle Guzman - What great timing for your post. Wonderfully said. Thanks for being so honest. :) I was talking to some photographers about something similar.  Aug 15, 2010, 11:51PM