Jennifer - I DO I DO! I live in Oregon and would love to run around shooting the Twilight stuff with you!!
How much fun would that be!?!?!
Aug 15, 2009, 1:00PM
Renee - I was showing my husband some of your blog photos and I asked him if he was totally impressed. He turned to me with this weird look and said, "Uh, yeah! She can pick her pug up with just one arm!"
(our pug requires both)
Aug 6, 2009, 11:48AM
Mapuana - Ok...I wrote the comment below on the wrong blog post. But you and your fiance are absolutely BEAUTIFUL as well.
Aug 6, 2009, 9:57AM
Mapuana - Stephanie,
These pictures are AMAZING. And the couple is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
Aug 6, 2009, 9:56AM
Lori H. - Steph- You guys would love the Oregon area. Matt and I stayed at a resort right on Cannon Beach with our room looking out at the Haystack rocks and the beach! It was breathtaking- and so nice- great resort. I will get you the name. The whole drive along the coast is gorgeous and SO green!! Aug 4, 2009, 6:40PM
Leah Mullett - I have a very similar story about refusing to fall into this Twilight obsession but here I sit, obsessed. :) Aug 4, 2009, 10:58AM
Ally Swish - I did the exact same thing with twilight. I passed up movie invites and never wanted to read the books. On Spring Break I saw the movie and let's just say...the next four days I was completely consumed and read all four books! I've read them twice now. They're so worth the time. Way better than the movie :) Glad you liked it!! Definitely give the books a chance! Aug 3, 2009, 9:36PM
Jessica Stuber - I was the same way! I was pretty skeptical when it first came out. I teased my younger sister about liking Twilight so much and gave her my opinions....I finally saw it a few months ago and LOVED IT! Can't wait for New Moon! Aug 3, 2009, 12:19AM
Nana - Steph: As a very talented photographer, you would love the Seaside, OR area. Great vacation area, neat little towns. I had always wanted to visit the Oregon coast where Haystack Rock and the other large rock formations are. We got to go there a few years back. It is so picturesque. It's such a breathtaking backdrop for photography. We're getting ready for another visit to OR soon. We also love the Seattle, Edmonds, Puget Sound, and Widbey Island areas with all their beautiful flowers everywhere. Aug 2, 2009, 9:54PM
Mary Schwarz - I'm with you on Iron and I'll have to check out the others...
Aug 2, 2009, 8:43PM
Yuka photo art - Thank you for sharing your favorite things :-) This photo is amazing, you look so stylish and beautiful!!!!
Aug 2, 2009, 4:18PM
Leslianne Doe - Richard and I live in Washington... : ) and it is beautiful. Aug 2, 2009, 3:26PM
Pua - Oh yes, you HAVE to read the books - if you think you're obsessed now, wait until you get through the first book :). I'm with you on the bridal blogs too - LOVE "stylemepretty"; definitely a fave!
Aug 2, 2009, 12:38AM
Jessica Lee - If you think Twilight was good just wait until the second one, New Moon, comes out!! Jacob Black will soon be giving Edward Cullen a run for his money or looks. Woop woop! I love your work! Thanks so much for sharing what was in your bag also!
Aug 1, 2009, 4:48PM